Acknowledging National Pet Cancer Awareness Month

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1 in 4 dogs and 1 in 5 cats will develop cancer in their lifetimes. Thankfully, veterinarians suggest that many forms of cancer can be put into remission with early and appropriate intervention.

Started in 2005 by Nationwide, National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, observed each November, is a way to honor pets battling cancer, raise money for research and treatment, and increase awareness surrounding this too common fight.

Torigen Pharmaceuticals founder and CEO Ashley Kalinauskas emphasizes the importance of pet cancer awareness. “It is 2.5x more likely for a dog to develop cancer than for a human. Additionally, some cancers that dogs develop are extremely similar to cancer types that humans develop. It is our goal at Torigen to really understand and commercialize novel therapies that can help the lives of many companion animals after a cancer diagnosis. Together, we can make a difference.” 

If you have a pet, keeping an eye out for signs of cancer is crucial. Catching the disease early allows veterinarians to begin treatment that can potentially save your pet’s life. This month, and every month, it is important to schedule regular check-ups with your vet.

Want to get involved?

In honor of Pet Cancer Awareness Month, Torigen will donate $1 (up to $1,000) to Morris Animal Foundation to help fund companion animal cancer research. Morris Animal Foundation is a global leader in supporting studies to find solutions to serious health threats to animals. This donation is improving the health and quality of life for cats, dogs, horses, and wildlife around the world.

You can also personally donate to foundations that support animal cancer research and awareness, such as:

During National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, follow accounts like the Animal Cancer Foundation, Nationwide Pet, and Torigen that are sharing knowledge about this disease and helpful resources on social media. Don’t forget to use hashtags like #PetCancerAwarenessMonth or #PetCancerAwareness to join the conversation. 

Together, we can fight pet cancer.

Ashley Kalinauskas